When we think of pursuing a goal, whether losing weight or reading more, we buy things that’ll help us succeed. A gym membership, workout clothes, weights, a Kindle, books—you get the gist. We simply can’t help ourselves; consumerism is second nature. If you’re just getting started with your zero waste journey and all of the goals that come with it, save your money by avoiding getting suckered into buying unnecessary trendy items.
Glass jars
Sure, they’re super insta friendly, but I bet you already have jars you can repurpose for storing things like leftovers and bulk foods. If you have a bunch of jars that stink, check out these handy instructions for removing their labels and smells.
My mismatched and repurposed pasta sauce jars
Reusable straws
I admittedly fell hard for this one after seeing photos of turtles with painful plastic straws stuck up their nose. For the longest time I tried to find sustainable straws made locally-ish (USA) only to discover the majority of reusable straws are manufactured in large factories outside the country. And when I finally found the perfect ones, I never actually used them. It turns out you can drink just fine using your mouth.
If you insist on buying some, look into MulledMind on Etsy. They’re based out of Massachusetts and sell affordable, biodegradable, reused, and recycled straws.
Food wrap
Beeswax wraps are all the rage, and yes, they’re beautiful. But you can get by without them and simply use jars and containers you already have at home. Recently ordered takeout? Reuse whatever the food came in. Just received a package? Keep the plastic wrap for makeshift sealable bags. If you’re generally curious about storing food without creating additional trash, here’s a definitive guide.
Grocery bags
Chances of you already owning countless bags you could use for groceries are high. Think of all the reusable totes purchased and forgotten about in your trunk or the bottom of kitchen drawers—dig them up. Or if you still have plastic or paper bags from recent store trips, there’s no reason you can’t keep using them. Honestly, anything with handles will work for carrying groceries, like beach totes, backpacks, and even bags new clothes or shoes may have come in.
Water bottles
You most likely already have more reusable water bottles than needed. We get them when starting new jobs, attending conferences, showing up early to a sporting event, etc. If you don’t have one, ask a close friend or family member if they have extras. They’ll be glad to get them out of cluttered pantries. Or better yet, use one of those glass jars you’ve repurposed.
When you are ready for a new bottle, do your research on earth-friendly brands and keep in mind that nearly all aluminum bottles are made outside of the country.
A gifted S’well bottle from years ago
You probably noticed a theme throughout these tips: the zero waste essentials you do need are ones you already own. I know, I know! How boring. But in the case of simpler living boring is a good thing. Because after you’ve been on this path for a while, you’ll begin to feel lighter. You’ll find yourself looking around your home, in your cupboards, your pantry, your closet, and realizing how much easier life has become.
With the rise of zero waste living and overwhelming stats like the average American producing almost five pounds of trash each day*, it’s no surprise that many are on a mission to live with less. So as you embark on a sustainable path, save your money, don’t buy needless things, and dive right into your laudable goal.
Need some motivation? This is one of my favorite zero waste beginner’s tools.
* Source: EPA